Garden creation by experienced landscaper

Are you dreaming of a modern garden with a swimming pool? Or do you prefer another style of garden? Whatever your desires are, we would be honored to help you as a landscaper with your garden project. We offer a complete service package. Including the design and installation of your new garden. Therefore we are the only landscaper you will need for all of your landscaping needs.

Need a garden which doesn’t require a lot of maintenance? Or do you want an exclusive garden of the highest quality? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our family-run business has more than 40 years of experience as a landscaper and we are more than happy to help. Want to discover the potential for your garden? Plan a free quickscan below.

Why a landscaper to renovate your garden?

Just moved? Or are simply you looking for a change? There are countless reasons to work on your garden. But not everyone has the time or energy to get it done by themselves. That’s why it is a good idea to call in the help of an experienced landscaper. First of all, we organize the entire landscaping process for you. That means that we help you from start to finish. But we also assist you during the design phase of your garden. Because your ideas and inspiration together with our experience makes for a golden combination. That way we work on the realization of your dream garden, whilst you sit back and relax.

Tuin laten opknappen
Hovenier tuinaanleg

Experience ultimate freedom with our wooden constructions

Imagine you’ve just had a long day at work. In that case you want nothing more than to come home and relax in your garden. It’s that exact feeling of coming home that our wooden constructions recreate. They extend the comfort of your home all the way into the fresh air of your garden. This allows you to comfortably spend endless hours outside on a summer evening. And it is also the perfect place to host a barbecue with your friends and family. It’s even a good chill spot for the kids. Are you interested in placing a wooden construction in your garden? If you run through our free quickscan you can explore the options for your garden.

Van Rijn Tuinoplossingen in beeld

Onze mannen aan het werk

Projecten waar we trots op zijn

Experience the quality and expertise of a landscaper

Are you looking for something that really fits your needs? Then you should definitely look beyond standard components and mass production. We only offer tailor made solutions for your landscaping needs. For the wooden constructions we make use of computer-like precision and time-proven techniques. That way we are able to consistently deliver the exact creations that fit your desires.

Hovenier tuinaanleg

Voor ieder die kwaliteit in plaats van low-budget zoekt

Gratis Tuin Quickscan plannen

Wil je jouw tuinproject uitbesteden en ben je benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden? Plan dan nu jouw gratis Quickscan. Wij bieden oplossingen vanaf €22.500,-. Wij werken o.a. in Noord-Brabant, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht en Gelderland.

    Jouw tuinproject uitbesteden?

    Hoi, kennismaken?!

    "We helpen je graag verder! Samen komen we tot een doordacht plan, volledig naar jouw wens en binnen je budget."

    Zo werkt het

    1. Je ontvangt onze handige digitale brochure en we vragen je enkele foto’s van je tuin te sturen.
    2. We bellen voor een eerste advies en een prijsindicatie. Zo weet je direct of jouw plannen bij je portemonnee passen.
    3. We plannen een afspraak bij jou op locatie. We inspireren je en komen tot een haalbaar en betaalbaar plan.
    4. Je ontvangt een vrijblijvende en gespecificeerde offerte. Na jouw akkoord plannen we de werkzaamheden in.
    5. Jij hoeft niks te doen, als ‘tuinaannemer’ regelen wij álles! Na afronding kun je gaan genieten van jouw eigen paradijs!

    Allow yourself a dream garden

    Are you proud of an achievement you reached? Or maybe you have just been working relentlessly as of lately. Either way, it’s time to reward yourself. And our landscaping projects are perfectly suited for that. They resemble the same feeling as if you’re opening a Christmas present. Are you looking for a complete makeover of your garden? Or do you just want to implement a small change? We are always happy to help you as a landscaper with your gardening project.


    Do you remember the COVID times where you were sometimes forced to work from home? It was during that period that we all realized the importance of a nice home. And the garden is of course a part of that. Especially because the garden is the place to take a fresh breath of air. That’s why it is a good idea to make your living space more enjoyable and renovate your garden.

    tuin laten opknappen

    What are the costs of landscaping?

    You don’t decide on hiring a landscaper every other day. No wonder, because it usually requires quite a big investment to realize a garden renovation. Of course the costs depend for the most part on what you want for your dream garden. Nevertheless, people still underestimate their total spendings. And the last thing you want is that you end up spending more than you thought. That is why we always communicate about the estimated costs for components. We will help you make affordable decisions in order to create your dream garden.

    Gardening project by a landscaper

    Have you just finished renovating or building a house? After the completion of your home we understand that you can be a little strapped for cash. But no worries: We always think in terms of solutions. Firstly, we would like to know more about your personal desires for a landscaping budget. Based on your ideas we will come up with a concrete plan within your personal budget. Throughout the process we will keep you updated on the cost of the project. That way, you never end up spending more than you were originally planning.

    Need more inspiration for your dream garden? Follow us on LinkedIn.

    strakke en moderne tuin ontwerp aanleg Rosmalen

    Project and design by a landscaper

    Are you looking for a garden which doesn’t require a lot of maintenance? Or maybe you think it is just time for something new? Perhaps your needs have changed due to an addition to the family? Whatever your new needs are, we are happy to hear about them. That way we can incorporate them into a new garden design that seamlessly matches your preferences. We offer a complete service offering for your garden. That is the power of a landscaper.

    Frequently asked questions

    Wanneer moet ik mijn tuin laten renoveren?

    Er is niet per definitie een juist moment om jouw tuin te laten renoveren. In veel gevallen neemt de complete tuinrenovatie flink wat tijd in beslag en daarom verspreiden we de werkzaamheden over een nader te bepalen periode. In de herfst is de bodem nog relatief warm en vaak een beetje vochtig. Dit is aantrekkelijker voor planten, omdat ze dan sneller wortelen. Daarnaast is het interessant om een tuinrenovatie in de herfst uit te laten voeren omdat bladverliezende planten in november een rustperiode hebben.

    Anderzijds is het ook mogelijk om een tuin te renoveren in het voorjaar of een andere periode in het jaar, maar de herfstperiode is aantrekkelijker voor verschillende gewassen.

    Wat is belangrijk bij een tuinrenovatie?

    Een tuin laten renoveren doe je niet ieder jaar en daarom is het belangrijk om met verschillende aspecten rekening te houden. Allereerst is het van belang dat jij precies weet wat je wilt. Van Rijn Tuinoplossingen denkt graag mee en inspireert, maar jouw wensen zijn leidend. Een tuin is een echt visitekaartje voor jouw woning. Samen kijken we naar de zonrichting, de juiste indeling, de beplanten en eventueel een lichtplan.

    Download onze gratis INSPIRATIEGIDS!

    We helpen je graag verder! Samen komen we tot een doordacht plan, volledig naar jouw wens en binnen je budget.


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